Daisy Jones and The Six Background

Daisy Jones and The Six Background

Taylor Jenkins Reid's Daisy Jones and the Six was first published in 2019 and quickly became a New York Times bestseller, selling millions of copies in countries across the world. Reid's novel received mostly positive reviews.

In their review, Kirkus Reviews called the novel "an insightful story that will appeal to readers nostalgic for the 1970s." A miniseries of the same name based on Reid's novel was released by Amazon in early 2023, reflecting the widespread popularity of Reid's Daisy Jones and the Six.

Reid loosely based Daisy Jones and the Six on the experiences of the band Fleetwood Mac, which rose to prominence in the 1970s. Daisy Jones and the Six is set in the 1970s and follows (in the form of an oral history) a made-up rock band called "The Six," which is led by an enigmatic man named Billy Dunne. At the start of the novel, The Six are on the precipice of their big break, but many things threaten to derail the lives of each of the band members. Together, the band perseveres and deals with many difficult things, including competition from other bands and difficult music producers. In the end, they become exceptionally famous, much like the aforementioned Fleetwood Mac.

In 2023, a miniseries about this book was released, which starred Riley Keough, Elvis Presley´s granddaughter, with Sam Claflin as co-star.

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